Greetings readers,
Today I wanted to present evidence that confirms I am indeed being stalked by the FBI and local law enforcement and that the operation being run on me traces to the upper echelons of the federal government, including Washington D.C.
The evidence further suggests that as a result of being a targeted individual, I possess considerable influence over contemporary pop culture and the mass media. As the FBI carries out their operation and stalks me, I inadvertently serve as a sort of pop culture 'muse'. As a result, my imprint is borne upon much of what happens in society. Numerous movies, books, televisions shows, news stories, and other pop culture works contain content that stalks me specifically and is intended to manipulate me as part of the government's non-consensual research program.
My influence appears to be so strong in fact that many of the events and details surrounding the socio-cultural and political landscape for the Trump presidency, including Trumps own cabinet, were created to stalk me as part of the government's mind control program. The FBI's primary goal at the time (2015 to 2016) appears to have been to further sensitize me to the mass media, tip me off to the scripted nature of politics, and provide evidence to support my claims of trafficking within modern-day Mk Ultra.
The implication of the evidence I show you today is that national politics is 'all a show.' Pretty much everything we see in the news follows a preconceived script devised by a bureaucratic shadow government that controls the mass media and the very unfolding of history itself. Through the COPS program, a 'clandestine' law enforcement handler gives orders to the politicians, causing them to vote one way or another, devise this particular bill, pick these members for their cabinet, make this particular speech, or push this specific issue.
The politicians may be told in advance that a mass shooting is due to happen on this day or that day, that a particular celebrity is doing to die by this or that cause, or that a terroristic attack is going to happen in one nation or another. Such false flag events are nearly always a caused by a COPS informant, the police themselves, or someone induced by the police through mind control or harassment.
As for the politicians, even if some of them are not tipped off in advance to the staged spectacles, virtually all the politicians know the game. There is always an issue that is 'suggested' by the false flag event (such as a mass shooting) and the politicians already know the stance their party is supposed to take on that issue to spin the event for their agenda.
The FBI's Gang Stalking M.O's: Doppelganger, Joker, and Two Face
To compel discovery of the scripted nature of politics, that FBI stalked me with one of their modus operandis (or 'M.O.'s). I have coined the term “Doppelganger” to describe this M.O., which itself is a reference to the comic book villain from the Spiderman series. Other M.O.'s the government uses also appear to be references to comic book villains. These include the 'Joker' and 'Two Face' M.O.'s. The current article focuses exclusively on the 'doppelganger' M.O.
After witnessing how distinctive these M.O.'s actually are when they were being used to stalk me, I can say conclusively that the government intended for me to infer these M.O.'s from their stalking manipulations and devise this exact same comic book typology to describe it. The FBI themselves may even be using this same comic book typology to refer to the M.O.'s when they plan the gang stalking.
The tendency to use D.C. comic book villains (Joker and Two Face) further suggests that the gang stalking apparatus being wielded against me traces all the way to D.C. Indeed, the FBI's own former chief, Ted Gunderson, has disclosed the existence of a 'Central Command' headquarters capable of dispatching civilian informants 24/7, on the fly, to engage in targeted harassment and other manipulations.
The Current Post
In the current post, I seek to establish--
That the doppelganger M.O. exists, as evidenced by various politicians that reference me with the 'mirroring' tactic.
That the doppelganger M.O. and gang stalking apparatus trace up to the level of Washington D.C politics.
That political, cultural, and social life in the U.S. is preconceived and manipulated through the COPS program.
I have kept the list of doppelgangers reviewed in this post confined to those doppelgangers establishing 'Washington Ties,' or people linked to both myself and D.C. level politics.

Factual Background
After returning home from Kent State University in August 2014, I was still being gang stalked by the FBI as part of human trafficking protocol involving non-consensual human experimentation. The program appeared to resemble a modern-day equivalent of the Mk Ultra program.
The gang stalking was presented as retaliation over workplace related harassment. Retaliation, however, was just an excuse (or surface justification) for what was otherwise a use-of-force protocol intended to further the government's human trafficking agenda against me.
The government's research program involved a strong thought planting and behavioral manipulation component, which was administered by civilian informants through the FBI and DOJ's program referred to as 'Community Oriented Policing' (COPS). The conduct of the COPS informant tended to fit descriptions of what is typically referred to as 'gang stalking.'
The government, acting through law enforcement, planted thoughts in my head using street theater, as well as coded messages and references to me in the mass media in order to perform behavioral manipulation research and attempt to extort and falsify evidence that the state could use to try and exploit me as a resource for the state's own gain.
One of the ways the government signaled their manipulations was though a technique known as 'mirroring.' Through mirroring, the FBI would get my attention and alert me to the fact that I was being targeted with a manipulation attempt. With mirroring, anything from the target's name, behavior, physical features, attributes, tastes, personality, fashion, etc., might be mirrored to get their attention.
Doppelgangers on Capital Hill
One of the ways the 'mirroring' tactic was expressed was through the use of 'doppelgangers', or lookalikes. The FBI would, for instance, present someone that looked similar to me, or featured a similar name, appearance, or other attribute. These 'doppelgangers' typically were people involved in the gang stalking protocol and represented people I was supposed to observe and pay close attention.
Doppelganger 1: Karlie Kloss
Throughout the course of the trafficking protocol, one of the first doppelganger's I encountered was supermodel, Karlie Kloss who I immediately noticed shared a striking physical resemblance to me in the presence of two small freckle-like moles on the front of her face in a similar pattern to my own.

In addition to the similar pattern of small moles, Karlie also appeared to feature resemblances to me in her personal attributes and biographical details--
Karlie seemed brainer than your typical supermodel and had her own computer programming non-profit, “Kode with Klossy.” I had just graduated with a PhD in sociology.
Another vague similarity I noticed was that around the time I discovered her in 2015, I was in the process of uncovering the 'code' the FBI uses to stalk people. The 'code' I was uncovering seemed linked to all Karlie's social media posts on 'code' and 'coding,' which seemed like an odd way to refer to what is conventionally termed 'computer programming.'
I had discovered Kloss around the time Donald Trump was running for election and noticed that many members of Trump's cabinet featured names that were similar to mine. Ironically, Kloss was also tied to Trump. Kloss was dating (and later married) Josh Kushner, the brother of Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law.
That said, Karlie Kloss represented the first 'link in the chain' that was connecting the stalking operation being run on me all the way up to the upper echelons of the federal government.
The Trump Presidency: A Key Event in the Stalking Campaign
To recap, after graduating college in 2014 with a PhD, I returned home to live with my parents. The FBI then began re-patterning me into compliance with the gang stalking program in my home town.
Now back at home, the mass media component became increasingly important within the trafficking protocol. It was clear that the FBI was expending considerable effort signaling that stalking was occurring in the mass media and getting me to habitually check the news for stalking.
After discovering the involvement of Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift somewhere in 2015-2016, Donald Trump eventually won the 2016 election and took office. Sure enough, the plot began to thicken.
With the Trump presidency out rolled the Mueller’s, the Millers, the Mnuchen’s and everyone that seemed to have a last name that was similar to 'Mullet,' which is my own last name. The idea of a last name being 'pretty much the same last name' as another was introduced with a stalking ruse I was administered at Kent State (not described).
In addition to similar last names, I also noticed that many of the people in the Trump presidency had the first name 'Steve,' whether spelled 'Stephen' or as 'Steven.' These figures include: Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Steven Mnuchin.
Doppelganger 2: Steven Mnuchin
The first 'Capital Hill' doppelganger I will examine is Steven Mnuchin, who was a Trump cabinet member serving as Secretary of the Treasury from 2017 to 2021.

Evidence that the Mnuchin was selected to be Secretary of the Treasury is apparent in the following details--
Evidence of stalking conspiracy is evident in the pattern and location of moles. Mnuchin features a mole on his left temple similar to a small mole I have on my right temple.
Mnuchin and I have basically the same first name, 'Steve,' and the exact same initials, 'SM' (Stephen Mullet and Steven Mnuchin).
Like Josh Kushner and Karlie Kloss, Steven Mnuchin is Jewish. I was not raised Jewish, but Karlie's conversion to Judaism establishes a link between her and other figures in Trump's circle.
Mnuchin's features also resemble those of another significant person in the stalking campaign against me, but privacy issues bar presentation. This evidence, if revealed, helps pinpoint me as the exact person being targeted with Mnuchin.
That said, I think it's pretty clear that there is some sort of conspiracy going on here, and that these cabinet members are not being selected at random. Further, we can strongly conclude that my allegations are indeed correct and that I was being gang stalked with Trump's cabinet selections.
Doppelganger 3: Stephen Miller
Another 'Capitol Hill' doppelganger is high-level Trump adviser and speech writer, Stephen Miller.
Consistent with the FBI's M.O. of using similar last names to stalk a target, the second I heard this guy's name I knew it was someone who had been appointed to make a reference to me in the mass media.
Consider the following biographic similarities --
Stephen Miller is roughly the same age as myself and features the same first name (spelling included). Further, his last name, 'Miller,' is roughly equivalent to the last name 'Mullet.'
Miller is noted to be a fierce debater (like myself) who is clearly not accustomed to losing in an intellectual dispute. Early on, there was a story describing an obvious 'street theater' incident where he was escorted off set in a CNN interview with Jake Tapper.
Stephen Miller is a Jew like Josh Kushner and Steven Mnuchin.

As it turned out, Stephen Miller was reported to be the shadow government snitch that was the brains behind Trump's decision making throughout his presidency. Miller is reported to possess substantial control over former president. The strength of Miller's influence is ironic considering how so much content within the mainstream press stalks me and highlights the extent of my own influence over national affairs.
Doppelganger 4: Robert Mueller
Around the time Trump took office, a recurring story in the press involved the 'Mueller' investigation, which was carried out by former FBI Director, Robert Mueller.
As with Stephen Miller, I instantly noticed that 'Mueller' was similar to 'Mullet'. Both names tended to resemble the word 'mule' (the animal). The names were further suggestive of the word 'mull' (to contemplate or ponder).

During the Trump presidential era, Robert Mueller was tasked with running an investigation or probe. Specifically, Mueller was involved in investigating collusion between Russia and the Trump administration to tamper with the election results.
Obviously, allegations of collusion by a foreign government to rig a U.S. election are a sham. In this case, both Trump and Putin were the butts of a false flag operation. The truth is, the U.S. manipulates it's own elections and other political events and then blames it on their enemy to justify pre-emptive aggression.
The use of a 'false flag' events is an age-old political tactic that even Hitler used to justify invading Poland when he bombed his own radio station and blamed it on the Poles. In fact, the SS Officer that coordinated the false flag attack is reported to be none other than 'Heinrich Müller.' The Robert Mueller investigation was thus intended to further the mass media narrative and label Trump the enemy (probably as punishment for his other sins).
If there were a staged political spectacle and it involved Russia tampering with the U.S. election then it would have been a controlled breach of security involving our own intelligence forces. These insights were gleaned through the course of being gang stalked by the FBI as part of the Mk Ultra program. Through gang stalking me, the FBI demonstrated the ability to control civilian informants in foreign, and even 'rogue' nations. Civilians from Russia and their allied nations were further involved, demonstrating that Russia is generally a 'cooperating' nation with the U.S.
In sum, the Mueller investigation was another false flag mass media event that appears to have been largely performed to stalk me and engage me in the mass media. Of course, the Mueller probe also served its more outward goal of setting the stage for the Ukraine War and the Biden presidency.
Doppelganger 5: Cathy O'Brien
The last doppelganger linking me to Washington D.C. level politics is Cathy O’Brien.
In this case, the doppelganger is not a politician, but a victim of Project Monarch and Mk Ultra who was sex trafficked to wealthy politicians by her handlers. Based on her accounts, it appears these 'handlers' were either law enforcement themselves or intermediaries: that is, criminal informants working for law enforcement and supported by them.
O'Brien claims to have been sold into slavery in early childhood by a pedophile father who was seeking a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card on child pornography charges. Cathy purports being a ‘presidential model’ or a sex slave servicing high-level politicians. She recounts stories of being passed around sexually to high-level Washington politicians, including Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, and Ronald Reagan.
Like the other 'doppelgangers' discussed in this article, Cathy O’Brien features personal details that suggest she was the target of a pre-mediated conspiracy. In other words, her selection as Monarch slave and sex trafficking in the program do not appear to have been random. In fact, she appears to represent an earlier instance of the same pattern, or M.O. that was used on me and others.
Specifically, O'Brien fits the mole pattern M.O. that is evident in both me and Steven Mnuchin in that she features the mole over right right. Interestingly, this pattern traces back to an additional figure, namely, Rosemary La'Bianca, who was a victim of Charles Manson.

On the issue of Rosemary La'Bianca, as it turns out, the Charles Manson murders are ironically reported to have been a false flag event. Investigations into the case have suggested that the Manson cult was all part of an Mk Ultra mind control experiment involving LSD, cult psychology, and brainwashing.
Notably, Manson had an extensive criminal history at the federal level, including prior murders. Such facts suggest he was probably recruited as an informant by the FBI, CIA, or other high-level agency at some point in custody.
Given the facts, my guess is that the FBI probably offered Manson a 'deferred life sentence' on his murder history if he cooperated (and 'killed again') as part of the false flag operation. The practice of entrapping an informant, and then promising to 'keep them on the streets a little longer' in return for more cooperation, is standard practice among police with their undercover informants.
To no surprise, the Charles Manson case went on to became one of the biggest new stories in U.S. history, generating millions in revenue for the mass media machine. The profitability of the case in terms of revenue, plus it's research value, is more than enough to establish motive for a government conspiracy to orchestrate these murders.
Much to the dismay of my persecutors, once again, in yet another blog post, claims that people thought impossible to prove have been demonstrated absolutely true.
I have once again proven the extraordinary. I am no doubt being trafficked in the mythical “Project Monarch” which many people do not even believe to exist. I have further proven that the operation being run on me traces up to the highest levels of the federal government.
I have further disproven all the conventional ideology we are taught in the mass media and education system about how the world works. History clearly does not unfold at random. Elections are not decided based on a vote. These events are all staged and pre-determined by a bureaucratic shadow government and civilian snitching system which controls everything we wee in the mass media.
These revelations will be further explored in future works.
‘Till next time.